Schlagwort-Archive: Besetzung


When we speak about work, we would prefer no work at all over half work. But when it is about RUMOER we thought half work would be better than no work, so here you find the half edition of RUMOER.

You may read about:
– War and the system that needs it
– Spontaneous demonstrations in Amsterdam and Leiden
– The occupation of the Sterrebos
– The raid in Munich
– World news
– And a follow up on the tips against telephones

Here it is: RUMOER #5.5 Nl EN

You can sign up for our mailing list, you will receive a notification when #5.75 or #6 is out. If you send us some money we can start working on the next issue. As we try to distribute the zine for free as much as possible, it does cost us money.
It will be distributed on the streets again, but you will find this issue also on the Pinksterlanddagen. And in the better bookstores or (anti)social center. If you can’t find it there you could print it, or email us with your order (the amount and in which language). Order a couple more so you can share it, and have a nice little conversation about it.
Send your request to RUMOER atttt RISEUP dotttt NET.
See ya next time, for a nice and cool summer – meaning the climate. All the other things can be heated up if you ask us.